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Get ready for the excitement! Tickets are now available! Vendor Tables are also available - Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your business! Stay in the loop by following us on social media to catch all the latest updates and news. | ¡Prepárate para la emoción! ¡Las entradas ya están disponibles! También hay mesas de proveedores disponibles - ¡No pierda esta oportunidad de exhibir su negocio! Manténgase informado siguiéndonos en las redes sociales para conocer las últimas actualizaciones y noticias.
7111 Washington Avenue Hwy, 20,
Racine, WI 53406
Join us on March 22, 2024, for an exciting event! Registration opens at 7:30 am, and the event kicks off promptly at 8 am, concluding at 1 pm. You can register for the entire event or choose to attend the luncheon or breakfast; the price remains the same. No refunds for cancellations after registration. Substitutions allowed.
Sponsorships are available on a first-come first-serve basis with the exception of the presenting sponsor. For more information, please contact us at: 414-775-5462.
7111 Washington Avenue Hwy, 20,
Racine, WI 53406
Únete a nosotros el 22 de marzo de 2024, para un emocionante evento. La inscripción comienza a las 7:30 am, y el evento empieza puntualmente a las 8 am, concluyendo a la 1 pm. Puedes registrarte para todo el evento o elegir asistir al almuerzo o desayuno; el precio se mantiene igual. No se proveerán reembolsos por cancelación, pero se permitirá substituciones.
Oportunidades de patrocinio están disponible con la excepción del patrocinador principal en el orden recibidos. Por favor llámenos para más información llame al: 414-775-5462.
Grand Ballroom
7:30 AM - Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:05 AM - Welcome by Dr. Nelson Soler, CEO, Latino Chamber of Commerce of SEW
8:30 AM - Opening Remarks by Hon. Jonathan DelaGrave, Racine County Executive
8:50 AM - Remarks by Lt. Governor Sara Rodriguez
9:15 AM - Meet the Chamber Hosts - Chamber Team
09:15 AM- 09:30 AM- Break
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM - First set of Breakout Sessions
Grand Ballroom
Financing to Buy Commercial Real Estate
Ivan Gamboa,Sr. Vice President, Tri City National Bank
Terese Caro, President & CEO, LRC
Susan Eick, Relationship Manager, MEDC
Maria Watts, Community & Economic Development Officer, WHEDA.
Room: Huron A
Financing Your Business Idea
Tammie Clendenning, Lead Economic Development Specialist, SBA
Margaret Capper, Senior VP & Commercial Lending Officer, North Shore Bank
Matthew Hughes, VP Small Business Relationship Manager, Associated Bank
Nicole Pfeifer, Racine Community Lending Officer, LRC
10:20 AM - 10:30 PM - Break
10:30 AM - 11:20 PM - Second set of Breakout Sessions
Grand Ballroom
Recruiting & Retaining Talent after the Great Resignation
Edward Kamin- Workforce Solutions Manager, Racine County Human Services
Carla Breuning, Score Mentor, Score SEW
Lucie-Anne Radimsky, Score Mentor, Score SEW
Room: Huron A
Hiring Your First Employee
Lewis Bartfield, Score Mentor, Score SEW
Michael Mueller, Score Mentor, Score SEW
Kola Alayande, Ph.D, Score Mentor, Score SEW
11:20 AM - 11:30 PM - Break
11:30 AM - 12:20 PM - Third set of Breakout Sessions
Grand Ballroom
Leveraging Digital Marketing & Social Media to Grow Your Business
Mark McCleary, Score Mentor, Score SEW
Kayrle Sieber, Score Mentor, Score SEW
Neal Linkon, Score Mentor, Score SEW
Room: Huron A
Getting Your Business Certified
Shane Mahaffy, Lead Business Opportunity Specialist, SBA
Dr. Eugene Manzanet, Sr. Director of Diverse Business Development, WEDC
Alex Ysquierdo,Msc, Wisconsin Supplier Diversity Director, DOA
Tru Mwololo, Manager Small Business Programs, WPI
Amanda Roman, CEO, Domina Consulting
12:20 AM - 12:30 PM - Break
12:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Grand Ballroom
Welcome to the Ballroom by Dr. Nelson Soler, CEO, Latino Chamber of Commerce of SEW
Keynote Speaker - Ramona L Natera, Administrator for the Equal Rights Division of the WI Department of Workforce
1:00 PM - 1:15 PM - Event Final & Closing Remarks - Eliana Williams, Unsummit Chair, Board Recognition
Meet Our Panelists | Conozca a Nuestros Panelistas
We are thrilled to introduce you to a diverse and accomplished group of individuals who will be contributing their expertise and insights to our event. Our panelists represent a wide spectrum of professions, including seasoned bankers, human resources professionals with a wealth of experience, and dedicated government officials committed to driving positive change. Each panelist brings a unique perspective and a wealth of knowledge to the table, promising engaging discussions and invaluable takeaways. | Estamos encantados de presentarle a un grupo diverso y exitoso de personas que contribuirán con su experiencia y conocimientos a nuestro evento. Nuestros panelistas representan un amplio espectro de profesiones, incluidos banqueros experimentados, profesionales de recursos humanos con amplia experiencia y funcionarios gubernamentales dedicados y comprometidos a impulsar un cambio positivo. Cada panelista aporta una perspectiva única y una gran cantidad de conocimientos, lo que promete debates interesantes y conclusiones invaluables.
Copyright © 2024 Latino Chamber of Commerce of SE Wisconsin - All Rights Reserved.
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